Coming Soon 

Welcome to our new website that has been established to help those who have a concern about the enormous amount of electromagnetic fields being forced upon humanity. As you read through this website our hope is that you will gain information as well as encouragement that you can live with the harmful effects of EMFs in a world where there seems to be no way to protect against the effects of being overloaded with the vast amounts of various EMFs from all the modern technology available today.


It is our position that EMF overload can cause electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), which can include dermatological symptoms like redness, burning and tingling, sensations, symptoms like fatigue,dizziness, tiredness, concentration difficulties, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances, and many more symptoms.

Our mission

Our mission is to help those who are concerned about the effects of EMFs on their bodies and of those they love. We believe the techno-industry will continue to march towards the implementation of the internet of things and curently appear to be unstopable in rolling out more and more EMFs aound us. We are therefore focused on mitigating the effects of this overwhelming amount of EMF on people, animals, and plants. All of which are effected by the overloading of EMFs in our world. There are things we can do to guard and protect ourselfs on some level of safety from EMFs. 

Our Projects

Got some ideas? Have questions? We're ready for them. Please feel free to contact us and ask or share your thoughts. Thank you

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